| Care For Your New Koi2. When fish arrived, place the whole bag with fish in it into the quarantine tank(Q-tank) or pond where you intend to release the fish for 30 minutes. This allow the water temperature with fish in the bag to equalize slowly to the new water temperature of your pond or Q-tank. Otherwise, the rapid change in water temperature can shock to the fish and may be harmful. However, if the fish is lying on its side or appear weak, then release the fish immediately into your pond. These can signs of lacking oxygen or high level of ammonia and extremely stressed fish. 3. After 30 minutes or so, release the koi into your pond and discard all the water. Avoid letting the water from the bag into your pond as much as possible. 4. Cover the tank with net to prevent koi from jumping out of your pond or Q-tank. Remember, this is one of the most common way koi died from. Also provide a quiet and dark environment for the new koi to release stress. 5. Start feeding when they appear to be healthy and active. Usually a new koi can start eating in several hours after being released into the new pond. Sometimes it may take them a couple of days to adjust to the new environment and start eating again. Don't overfeed, this can can create more problems with digestion and poor water condition. 6. If you do quarantine your new koi, it should be for at least 3 weeks or more. When thay seem healthy and strong, then you can introduce them into your main pond. Make sure when you adding new koi, the water temperature has to be similar and not more than several degree differences. A significant differences in water temperature can cause a koi to go into shock and die. Very important to remember, a 20 degrees change in water temperature in less than 24 hours can shock the fish and may be fatal because it's not enough time for them readjust. It's a good idea for koi hobbyists in cold region to keep small koi, new koi, and weak koi inside during winter season because they might not be able to withstand the cold and fasting when temperature drop below 55 degrees. |
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