The World’s First Ready-To-Use, Liquid Concentrate Praziquantel Treatment!
Liquid PraziPro is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and super effective this revolutionary product offer you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration. Send those unwanted pond visitors on their way, try Liquid PraziPro today!
Key Benefits
Treats Flukes
Treats Tapeworm
Treats Flatworms
Treats Turbellarians
Highly Effective
Extremely Safe
Won't Negatively Impact Biological Filtration
Can Be Used As A Preventative
Excellent When Used before Ich-X (as a separate treatment)
Non-toxic To Commonly Kept Aquarium Animals Or Plants